“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.”Psalm 40:3

Sixteen years ago, as a pensioner, I was on a roll pursuing my passion for enterprise development in the small island states of this world.

Barbados Prime Minister, Hon. David Thompson, in his July 2008 Financial Statements and Budgetary proposals, under the topic “Innovation”, announced that the Government of Barbados would give an incentive to the private sector in the form of a government guarantee to invest in a revolving quick access equity growth fund to facilitate enterprise development.

I was charged with the responsibility to implement this concept and established a Trust under the chairmanship of the late Sir Neville Nicholls and powered by a team of young professionals.

Unfortunately, PM Thompson passed away in October 2010 and his innovative proposal was unceremoniously terminated by his successors. The Trust was formally wound up in 2012 after making excellent progress and as a disappointed trouper I decided to move to Trinidad and enjoy my retirement in the company of my partner Trinidadian Judy Donelan.

I transferred from the Rotary Club of Barbados South to the Rotary Club of Central Port of Spain and had a wonderful 11 years in Trinidad exemplifying “Service above Self”. This was my second stint in Trinidad as an adult since my first job was on the faculty at UWI, St. Augustine 1968-1974. Both periods in Trinidad were very enjoyable but it is now time to get back home.

Judy and I have made it to our 80s and she has accepted my invitation to start over in life with a move to Barbados.

When I came to Trinidad in 2012, I made the decision to hire a life coach for a smooth transition having spent the previous 40 years in Barbados. Maybe we shall repeat that process.

I have been faced with the question “why are you going to Barbados” especially from my Rotarian family. I have decided to compile a list of benefits of living in Barbados which I think is very convincing.

(1) Judy has a childhood friend who lives there with whom she has been in constant touch over the years.

(2) Judy wants to become more familiar with the sights of my homeland.

(3) One of Judy’s children and two of mine with grandchildren and many cousins and friends are resident in Barbados.

(4) Barbados is a popular spot for Judy’s other two children and my other child and their families as well as overseas based cousins, siblings and friends.

(5) I yearn to walk on the beach in the morning again.

(6) I would like to be involved in joint projects between my Barbados and Trinidad Rotary clubs.

(7) There are small family businesses in Barbados for which I am responsible.

(8) I can renew acquaintances and casually interact with business colleagues (who are still with us) with whom I worked for 40 years before formally going to Trinidad in August 2013.

(9) I have been invited to be the Patron of The Future Centre Trust.

(10) I have been encouraged by UWI to keep my mind active by sharing my enterprise development experiences with staff and students.

With God’s guidance and our unwavering optimism, we are confident that this transition will be a fulfilling and joyful one.

(Dr. Basil Springer GCM is a corporate governance adviser. His email address is basilgf@marketplaceexcellence.com. His columns may be found at https://www.nothingbeatsbusiness.com).