January 4, 2007



Now that we have had a well earned respite, I am quite certain that we are refreshed and ready to face the challenges of the New Year. Let us go forward with an open mind relying on God to work His purpose in our lives. Here’s wishing you all a Healthy, Happy, Productive and Prosperous 2007!
Before commencing this article, I checked my emails and to my surprise there was an email about a company inviting ideas for product invention. After contemplating on the headline for several days, I thought that the email was timely and synonymous with my thoughts, and should be shared with my readers. Get details at http://www.davison54.com
Since my return to the columns of the Voice Newspapers, it has been a lonely road but never daunting. I felt alone except for those times when I met someone and they remarked I have been reading your articles, keep up the good work. It would be so nice if you will share with me some of your thoughts and your successes especially in the areas of innovation and technology so that I can share with my readers. In the end we will all benefit.
I know many people are making money on the Internet. Because of my interest in Internet Marketing, I meet with persons from time to time who update me on what they are doing on the Internet. Some are making money on the Stock Market, Currency Trading, Casino Gaming and E-Lotteries (all these are high risk areas which need professional guidance) but there is no serious effort being made to share the information. I am dedicated to making information on Internet Businesses available to my readers and to establish a formal grouping of persons who are interested in developing and participating in internet related businesses, targeting the global village. Please contact me at eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com indicating your interest so that we can move to the next step of getting together and sharing ideas and successes.
As we look into the possibilities of doing business on the Internet, we have to move away from skepticism and be open to new ideas. I will be first to caution you to hold on to your wallets and do not invest on emotions but put it to the test. If you are not given enough information upon which to make a decision, then don’t. And it is in this regard that sharing of knowledge and information become critical. Innovation does not only relate to starting from scratch but also in making existing ideas and inventions better. I am convinced that we in the Caribbean are not necessarily short of ideas but we are simply not trusting of each other. It is in ventilating our ideas that clarity emerges and confidence is gained. Dr. Basil Springer introduced the High Impact Growth Strategy (HIGHS) Workshops a few years ago and the amount of innovative ideas that emerged from around the region was staggering.
In any business, information is key, and in the Internet business it is most critical. You need to get breaking news in the industry to position yourself. Here are a few hot tips for 2007:
1. In December 2006, a FREE programme was introduced to me at the launch stage by StormPay. This programme circulates information on Internet Marketing Companies through direct advertising to its Associates who get credits for reading them. I have found this programme to be very informative as to providing information on pre-launch and existing businesses. You can participate with over 24,000 persons who have joined since November 27, 2006 for FREE at: http://www.taketheinternetback.com/index.php?refid=5869

2. You should be aware of the role of search engines in relation to Internet Technology. MSN, Yahoo, Google and thousands of others help us to find our way around the Internet. I referred to the big three and now SearchBigDaddy is about to take them on. This is a very interesting development and it could be very good investment to purchase Key Words and Phrases. Already people who have moved early to acquire Key Words
are offering them for sale. What is new is that when you acquire a Key Word or Phrase,
every time the word or phrase is typed into the search box of SearchBigDaddy.com, your
website comes up at the top. That is promotional value for your website. You can earn
enough credits to pay for your Key Words/Phrases. Test drive this programme
at: http://www.SearchBigDaddy.com and type in the Search Box – St. Lucia and click on
Search. Then you can join for FREE at http://www.BigDaddyPays.com/edharas

3. You always wanted a website but can’t find a webmaster who has the time or just can’t afford the cost. Now you can, go check mine out at http://www.edwardharris.ws It may not have all the bells and whistles but it gets the message across and you will have the joy of participating in the outcome. This programme is being offered by a very successful company who challenged the .com, .net, .org and .biz and introduced .ws using the network marketing system to promote their business. Get your site at http://www.website.ws/caribstar

4. It is just days away from pre-launch of a very interesting company, check it out at http://www.allnetworker.com/?edharas Take a tour. It is cutting edge with lots of free programmes including access to: http://www.dizzler.com offering music, video, radio and games.

I must forewarn you that the Internet Business calls for patience, lots of reading and repetition of information. Some promoters wear you down, they pressure you into taking out your credit/debit card. They are always expressing the urgency to take action. It is not easy but once you learn the game there is serious money to be made. However, if we are to succeed, we must come together and share information on the industry. There is a lot of duplication of programmes being offered in the market and as a result it is necessary to know what is available before jumping in.
It is a wonderful world in Internet Land. It is my hope that my readers will share this article with their relatives, friends and business associates, and let us begin to explore the opportunities of the Global Village, not only to follow but to innovate and lead. Let us take the first step to build a platform from which to launch our ideas and programmes.
Keep the Faith, God is in charge!
Edward A. Harris
Email: eaharrisdestiny@gmail.com
Websites: http://www.edwardharris.ws http://wwwstluciasimplybeautiful.com http://www.stluciarealtors.com