“There is nothing more West Indian than cricket. There may be things that are more Trinidadian or Guyanese, or things that come more readily to mind when we think of Jamaica or Antigua – idiosyncrasies of each country in the chain – but no institution of government, trade or culture has been more enduring. Indeed, …
„The Caribbean region is at a development crossroads and its member nations must take significant and concrete steps to improve productivity and competitiveness and face up to a more global competition if they are to accelerate or even maintain past growth. By taking such steps, they will reposition themselves strategically as an emerging trading bloc …
“We in this society need to cultivate this new tradition of celebration. To gather and rejoice in our lives, the beauty that surrounds us, our creative genius and love. In a celebratory mood, we’ll focus our intellects and creative problem solving capacities collectively and convert our human societies such that they become truly woven complementarily …
“Our manufacturing future lies in creating those products that are unique to the Caribbean as opposed to copying what those outside of the region might be doing or may have done before” – Comment by Anthony Sobers, CEO Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC), reported in the Barbados Daily Nation April 27 2005. Many traditional …
“We do not inherit the earth from our fathers, we borrow it from our children!” – Comment by David Brower, joint author of the book ‘Let the Mountains Talk, Let the Rivers Run’, who was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace prize – www.newsociety.com In the first decade of the 21st century, Counterpart International (operating …
„A web definition of team spirit‚ is esprit de corps: the spirit of a group that makes the members want to succeed” www.cogsci.princeton.edu Charles Randall, a cricket journalist who writes for The Daily Telegraph in England, filed an article on April 14 2005 about the Kent cricket team which I think is very instructive in …
„Adversity Quotient (AQ) is the science of human resilience. People who successfully apply AQ perform optimally in the face of adversity” www.peaklearning.com At a recent seminar on Destiny, Health and Wellness held in Barbados, I was introduced to AQ by a motivational speaker Dr. Paul G. Stoltz who is the author of the book Adversity …
“Arthur made it clear that Barbados is not like the United States which can persist in running deficits and consume the goods of all the countries in the world that country can afford to go that route because it is in the favourable position of using the American dollar to pay for those exports if …
“Many policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region‚s human capital. This claim is made on the grounds that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterates. Policy makers also argue that literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher education” – www.answers.com It has been continually repeated that on average …
“The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) has settled its long-running legal dispute with Desmond Haynes, a move that clears the way for the former opening batsman to play a more prominent role in the region’s cricket development” Excerpt from article by Ryan Patrick www.caribbeancricket.com In another article, Ryan Patrick reports on Haynes‚ appointment as the …
“It is in cricket that we manage to express a sense of collective ownership that eludes us in many endeavours…in designing a development vision and strategy for the Caribbean, our policy makers need to capture the same hold on the imagination and passion that cricket does” – Excerpt from an address by Dr. Gillian M. …
“Whether to recognize achievement, strengthen relationships or communicate effectively, delivering a quality event can be a huge undertaking without the proper resources and experience” – Excerpt form the Grass Roots Group – www.grg.com The inspiring Barbados Society for Technologists in Agriculture conference, on Saturday before last, consisted of two panel discussions on the current state …
“A Constitutional Monarchy means that the highest office in the land is beyond politics. It denies ultimate power to politicians and helps to keep political power under check. Our impartial umpires, the Governor-General and State Governors, keep the politicians honest…” – Excerpt from Australians for Constitutional Monarchy www.norepublic.com.au I was in Trinidad week before last …
„Because it hasn’t been done before, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Those who are afraid to make a mistake will never make a significant achievement – Ted Hood, America’s cup winner – www.reproductionsinc.com The online Bahai international community newsletter (Jul Sep 1996) states that: Civilisation began with agriculture. When our nomadic ancestors began to …
“…one of the main clues to corporate excellence has come to be specific incidents of unusual effort on the part of apparently ordinary employees…” – Excerpt from the introduction to the book ‘ In Search of Excellence’ by Thomas Peters and Robert Wateman which was first published in 1984. The social partners in Barbados have …
“…We have learnt one lesson and one lesson alone, that is how not to live together in unity. We have evolved a formula for living together, but not having any strength…The soul of this community has to be laid bare, and there is no better time to do that than when we are preparing for …
“The creative industries are, in the popular definition of the term – those activities which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property” – www.coe.int If we reflect on our history we think about the progression …
“The World Bank defines NGOs as ‘private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community development’. In wider usage, the term NGO can be applied to any non-profit organization which is independent from government. NGOs are typically value-based organizations which …
“The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money” – Bernard Meltzer quotes www.brainyquote.com As we reflect on the events of another year, as an individual, a family, a community, a nation, a region or a universe, we are rudely awakened by the impact of the …