As you go, step by step, I will open up the way before you.” – Proverbs 4:12

More than two weeks have passed since we began transitioning from Trinidad to Barbados.

As octogenarians, we have weathered many storms with resilience in mind, body and soul. We would be ungrateful if we said that the transition has been anything but smooth. God’s presence, positive problem-solving energy, and sequential evolutionary approach have tremendously helped us as we take one step after another.

Have all our personal belongings arrived yet? Not yet, but we are gradually converting our space into a home. Is my home office fully operational yet? Not quite, but the current level of operation is acceptable for now.

We have not been without medical emergencies. Fortunately, our local knowledge ensured immediate care. Has our garbage been collected weekly? Yes, though, I must say that the domestic collection experience in Trinidad was exemplary, with several pick-ups per week.

Have online banking issues been fully sorted out? No. As senior citizens, adapting to new technology takes time, but we’ve managed to adjust with patience. Our landline, mobile, and Wi-Fi communication services are not perfect yet, but watching the CPL series on TV without a hitch has been satisfying.

We’ve grown accustomed to our new living arrangements, supported by family and friends. They have helped with housing, chores, shopping, cooking, and transportation, generously meeting our senior citizen needs. We could not ask for more.

With advancing age, financial management becomes paramount. Liquidation systems must align with pension investments, and developing new cash flow projections for Barbados is a priority. Meanwhile, corporate social responsibility has drawn me back, with institutions seeking my expertise.

As I consider cognitive health, I acknowledge the need for hearing aids. All senses must function harmoniously for mental clarity. A healthy mind and body go hand in hand.

Though I’ve not engaged in politics, its importance is evident. From taxi drivers to call-in shows, the sentiment is consistent – Barbados must thrive. When Barbados wins, we all win.

As we look to the future, let us each do our part to build this island into a global model for small island developing states. Together, we can make this little rock shine brighter than ever.

(Dr. Basil Springer GCM is a corporate governance adviser. His email address is His columns may be found at