“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”Romans 12:1

As a teenager, I eagerly awaited the day I could take my driving test. The thrill of buying my first new car after securing my first job and loan is a cherished memory. However, despite the growing awareness of the hidden costs associated with personal vehicle ownership, yearning for a better, bigger and more attractive car remains deeply embedded in societal norms.

I soon learned the economic sense of departing from the concept of new cars and began purchasing two- to three-year-old vehicles. Driving has brought me immense joy over the years, but now that I am in my 80s, safety and peace of mind have taken higher priority.

What has changed for us as seniors who have adopted a retirement lifestyle? Traffic density has increased, and reflexes are not as sharp, which poses a personal reaction challenge exacerbated by reckless drivers on the road. Also, night driving is no longer safe due to declining 20-20 vision in one or both eyes. With the shift toward a virtual lifestyle, especially since COVID-19, the car spends most of its time in the garage.

Owning a car includes capital outlay, planning for a replacement vehicle, maintenance, tires, insurance and petrol. We have decided not to own a vehicle, thus saving on these costs. Instead, we have replaced car ownership with a dedicated on-call chauffeured service, and so far, it has been good. We have gained peace of mind, eliminated driving stress (including parking), and relieved ourselves of ownership responsibilities.

We are currently keeping records to see how much taxi fares cost us. Still, I posit that it is economically optimal not to own and drive a car, especially when prioritizing safety and peace of mind.

If one contracts with a reliable taxi driver whose base is relatively close to one’s home, who has a car that meets one’s comfort specifications, and who understands the benefit of guaranteeing one’s monthly transportation requirements, then we have the potential for a beneficial business arrangement. All it requires is for the seniors to practice the discipline of planning daily transportation needs.

Seniors then have the opportunity for an effective chauffeur-driven service, peace of mind, a higher quality of life and savings in transportation costs. The contracted taxi driver gains a guaranteed increase in monthly business.

As we navigate our golden years, let us prioritize our well-being and foster a collaborative spirit that ensures a safer, more comfortable, and economically sound transportation solution for all. Indeed, it is a win-win scenario!

(Dr. Basil Springer GCM is a corporate governance adviser. His email address is basilgf@marketplaceexcellence.com. His columns may be found at https://www.nothingbeatsbusiness.com).